10 Tips For Conquering Clients With Personal Training Marketing

Whether you’re into boot camps or personal fitness training, today I’m going to give you my favorite personal trainer marketing tips that I use. By putting all of them into practice, you can see big things happen for your business!Tip #1 – Try texting your clients. Send them uplifting messages to let them know you appreciate all of their hard work. They will surely appreciate this, plus it could bring in even more clients through networking.Tip #2 – When your clients reach an important goal you’ve both worked hard to get to, send them something at work that will get a lot of positive attention, like a bouquet of balloons. (Talk about a way to bring in referrals…)Tip #3 – Make sure that every day you do something that will bring in more clients. Sometimes trainers have so much going on that they end up focusing on how to keep their businesses going on a day-to-day standard pace.EVERY single day you need to do something that will bring in more business (such as using these tips I’ve been giving you). Delegate and automate as much of the business as you can so you’re able to spend some time on things that will really help you to GROW your business.Tip #4 – Take time to survey the market. This way you are able to sell them things that they really WANT, not what you THINK they want.Tip #5 – To get the attention of the local media, find something OUTRAGEOUS to do…Tip #6 – In local publications, newspapers, and magazines, become a fitness expert in your local area.Tip #7 – Get featured as an expect on local TV channels in your area to get publicity for your business.Tip #8 – Work to get your clients in incredible shape.(Oddly, this isn’t as important as you’d think if you’re looking to make lots of money, but it does keep your clients happy!).Tip #9 – Build up a HUGE “opt in” email list of those that want to hear about what you’re selling and the information you have to offer. Then work to make sure you give them excellent content.Tip #10 – Come up with goals that are defined and clear as to how many people you want to help out and how you are going to help them. Figure out how much money you’ll make, the number of clients you’ll bring in, when you’re going to meet these goals, and how you’re going to meet them. Then, DO IT! There are no excuses here.So, there you have it. There are a total of 10 quick personal trainer marketing tips that I use. These are my FAVORITE ways to bring in more clients to my fitness training business and they can work for YOU too!

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